
We also bring you various testing variations. One option is to add words from the list of options to the sentence. Another option is to test the understanding of the article using control questions. Testing vocabulary, verbs and much more is a natural part of Lisa’s education and testing. Each response is assigned a numeric value. These values are added at the end of the test to give a final test score.



In an incredible way, Lisa has made our teaching process more attractive and attracted more students to our language course. Lisa is also a great asset to me. Since I have had Lisa in the classroom, I have not forgotten to do my homework and Lisa will also give me a short summary at the end of the lesson.



I needed to solve my pronunciation problem. On my travels abroad, it often happened that people didn’t understand me. In this, Lisa is really uncompromising, if she doesn’t understand you, she will warn you over and over again about your shortcomings. Personally, I feel that I am becoming more understandable abroad.



As the mother of two young children (3 and 9), I cannot praise a little helper – Vector’s robot, who not only entertains, but mainly captivates 9-year-old David so much that he can play with him and especially when Vector is linked to Lisa, Vector becomes playfull and fun to learn. I recommend to all mothers



I have always imagined the future like this. Are you go to do hang-outs and want to learn? Yes, during exercise I repeated all the irregular verbs and learned a lot of new words, all thanks to the headphones that listened to Lisa Green J

Join our program

Amazon echo family

Registering for our program is relatively easy. The key element of registration is the device itself. We can also supply you with equipment at unbeatable prices. For the first 20 registered schools, we also supply the device with free installation. The teaching system can only be used on devices registered by us.

We will be happy to help you choose the right type of device, because there are many types of devices on offer, from small amazon echo dots, through devices with an echo show screen, to small headphones or smart watches.

Teacher Assistant

Alexa at school

Why not make learning in the classroom a little more fun. Our solution diversifies the teaching process at school and attracts the attention of students. It can even provide an increase in the number of students for language schools.

So what is it all about? It’s simple, one small device “LISA” is added to the class, which listens carefully to what is happening in the area and communicates with its surroundings on the basis of human commands. The system can copy the teaching process, while offering space for the teacher to individually supplement and expand the curriculum, and consists of several basic parts similar to standard language teaching. These parts are conversation, the ability to read articles, dictate dictations, learn and test, and various others. The teacher assigns the individual parts to specific lessons, and that’s about all the settings. Then only the teacher comes to the class, uses the command to set the current lesson and the fun can begin. Lisa uses simple commands to start a conversation ready for a given lesson, read a specific article, or randomly learn vocabulary for a given lesson. At the end of the lesson, he will briefly mention what we learned in class and, for the inattentive, remind us of homework.

Teaching languages that you will enjoy

Amazon echo dot

We bring revolutionary technology for language teaching. Teaching is based on active communication with devices capable of recognizing human speech. Conversations, learning, tests and other materials are prepared in cooperation with teachers.